Existing Savings Customers
This page will help you find a range of information to help you manage your savings account.
If you don’t find the answers on any of the pages below, try exploring our Important account information page or Savings FAQs. If you need further assistance get in touch with us.
Important account information
Discover a range of useful links to learn more about your savings account. You can explore interest rate history, proving your identity, our terms and conditions and more.
Explore now >H&R Online
H&R Online is our digital service to support you with your savings account. It is easy to use and includes a secure private messaging service. Learn how you can access, register and log in to use the service.
Learn more >Bereavement
We know that losing a loved one is a very challenging time. This page explains how to inform us that an account holder has passed away, what documents you'll need to provide and what happens to the money held in savings accounts.
Find out more >Opening an account
Whether you’re looking to open a personal savings account, or a business / deposit account on behalf of an organisation, charity or business, we'll help you get to the right place and tell you what information we require to open an account.
Explore more >Lost or stolen passbook
If your passbook has been lost or stolen, it's important to get it touch with us as soon as you can to make sure no money can be taken from your account without your authority. Find out the steps for receiving a new passbook.
Find out more >Bond maturities
If you have a bond that is due to mature, this page explains the options that are available to you after maturity and the steps you need to take. We also advise you on what happens to bond accounts if we don't receive instructions at maturity.
Learn more >Lost and forgotten savings accounts
If you are trying to find a lost or forgotten savings account, this page has information to help you find it and claim any lost savings.
Learn more >Managing an account on behalf of someone else
Whether you're looking to open an account for a child or register a Power of Attorney, we'll help you get to the right place. We'll explain what information we require in order for you to manage an account on behalf of someone else.
Explore more >Paying into your savings account
This page explains the ways you can pay into your savings account and the Society's bank details you'll need to make the payments.
Learn more >Free and practical advice to help you with your finances
MoneyHelper is a government-backed service offering you free, practical advice on managing your finances. If you need support with your savings goals or budget planning, explore their useful tools.
Not sure what you need?
Let us help
Explore our website to find what you need, or click below to get in touch with a member of our team.